We can’t do it without you!
Equipping Hearts for the Harvest is our mission and our name.
Just as a drop of water reaches a much greater distance than its actual size, so too can your donation impact people around the world.
As a non-profit organization we rely heavily on donors to support our work in the mission field; because we know that the missionaries who need what we offer don't have the money to pay us, nor do they have the money to fly us there!
All of our US based trainings helps to fund our overseas work. Unfortunately, the trainings we do in the US barely make a dent in the amount of funding we need to travel and train in third world countries.
As we continue to trust in the Lord to provide the way to answer His call, we ask that you would consider being a part of that answer.
Please prayerfully consider becoming a monthly* or one time donor.
*To become a monthly donor, click the button below to donate, then check the “Make this a monthly donation” option. Voila! You’re set.
Greetings to all our friends and Christ-followers!
Equipping Hearts for the Harvest is excited to share the news of our part in God’s work. Specifically, we want you to know about Ed’s recent completion of three books and announce a fourth manuscript underway!
For this new project, we need your help. As always, your prayer is vital.
First, some questions:
When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
Does worrying about what other people think of you keep you up at night?
Ever feel stuck?
Do you find yourself repeating destructive behavior patterns?
Even though you know change is needed, does the idea of how to change baffle you?
Ed’s latest book will provide these answers and more. The fourth in a series centering on grace-based attachment, he will help readers discover their true self—that is, the one God created. So many long to become the person God designed them to be. Yet, the development of the true self is a spiritual formation process that requires the help of both God and other people. Grace is the foundation for growth, as well as for Ed’s work. It is the Good News, and it is greatly needed everywhere today. As part of the true self, grace-based relational skills are necessary to create faithful disciples, secure marriages, family restoration, overcome addictions, and calm those in crisis.
Significant developments in neuroscience are helping us understand how the brain works best in relationships. Combining these with a solid biblical foundation, Ed Khouri is on the cutting edge of the practical application of these breakthroughs. As a forerunner, Ed needs to set aside time to consider and craft words around these crucial ideas and to develop a social media marketing plan for the book launch in 2023. The cost for the book project is $42,000. Gratefully, we can announce forty percent of this money has already been raised, including a $2,000 matching gift.
If you’d like to sponsor a chapter, it breaks down to approximately $3500 each. But any amount will help us to get toward our objective. If everyone who receives this letter responds with a $20 gift, there is no doubt we will reach our goal! God is able!
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us?
The Equipping Hearts Board believes in Ed’s work—the latest book concept, in particular—offers what’s desperately needed to equip, mature, and heal the leaders and influencers who will shape the next generations. These include our future pastors, leaders, children, and grandchildren.
This book project follows three previously well-received and endorsed titles that we are equally excited about, including:
Becoming a Face of Grace: Navigating Lasting Relationship with God and Others (June 2021)
Beyond Becoming: A Field Guide to Sustainable, Transformational Communities (to be released April 2022), and
The Weight of Leadership: How Codependency and Misplaced Mercy Undermine Life and Ministry (to be released August 2022).
We anticipate great Kingdom things ahead for Ed, Maritza, and Equipping Hearts, and are so grateful for your partnership, thus far.
God bless you, and may your lives overflow with His grace and goodness,
Suzan Boyd, Robbie Goss, Steve Watson