Our Faithful God

For the word of the LORD is right and true; He is faithful in all he does.

—Psalm 33:4 (NIV) 


Faithfulness is becoming harder to find.

Everywhere I turn, our culture seems to revel in unfaithfulness. Truth is hidden when social media and talk shows glorify gossip about men and women using each other, breaking covenants, and then salaciously accusing each other of wrong. Marriage vows “for better or worse” too easily fall by the wayside when times get tough. Left- and right-wing pundits and their media mouthpieces trumpet the “failures” of high-profile government, business, and church leaders to keep promises.Lawyers become rich because many would rather find an escape loophole than keep their word. To see the ads on my TV, it seems impossible to run a campaign that doesn’t accuse an opponent of faithless corruption, greed, and scandal.

Unfaithfulness seems to be more popular than honesty, truth, and faithfulness.

I think we’re living in the time described in Proverbs 20:6: “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man?” (NKJV).

This morning, I spent some time listening to God and journaling. It made me sad to sense the grief in God’s heart concerning His people and faithfulness. Here is what I journaled.

O that My people would hear My voice to know My faithfulness. You cannot know My mind and thoughts because you do not seek me. You cannot understand My faithfulness when you don’t know My thoughts towards you, others, and situations. You do not recognize in what, who, or how I am faithful to you.

You are left to watch and interpret circumstances with your own understanding. You associate My faithfulness with having the kind of pleasurable, desirable outcomes you crave. Faithfulness becomes a matter of fruitless speculation about circumstances and what—if anything—I’m trying to do or say. You remain blind to My heart and character.

I have plans for your life and a heart and mind that loves you. My hands are full of blessings of love, joy, peace, faithfulness—and all the fruits of My Spirit. They are far richer than the kind of outcomes you desire. I long to share these with you.

Let your days of fearful hiding from me be over. I am a good and loving God—not like any other in the heavens or on the earth. Come to me and taste My faithful presence which will surely satisfy.

I believe God is offering us all the opportunity to connect with Him in the quiet of His Presence and Word. He longs to share His Heart with us so that we may know Him and His faithfulness. I want to know Him and celebrate His faithfulness in my life and yours.

Would you like to join me?


Lessons From An RV

